The Ministry of Accompaniment to transgender and non-binary persons is an expression of our commitment to them as members of the Body of Christ.

Essential to this commitment is an understanding of the many issues that affect their personal and spiritual well-being and that of their families.

Sister Luisa Derouen is a Dominican Sister of Peace and has been ministering among transgender people and their families nationally for decades. It has been the greatest privilege of her life to know hundreds of transgender people and give witness to the sacredness of their lives. It is her desire that these formation sessions be used in service of those who wish to be a supportive presence of God to transgender and non-binary persons in their journey to wholeness.


The full program consists of 15 videos, each approximately 60 minutes in length recorded via zoom in 2021/22 during formation of a group of pastoral ministers.
Each video examines a different aspect of the lives of transgender and non-binary persons. Additional reading materials for each video will be recommended.

Presenters include religious, subject experts, spouses, parents, and transgender and non-binary persons themselves.


The program options include two similar but different tracks.

The primary track is the formation of individual pastoral ministers to better accompany transgender and non-binary persons as they embrace their lived reality in the context of their Christian faith. This track is designed for individuals who currently serve as spiritual directors, counselors/therapists, vowed religious, educators, ministry directors/facilitators and pastoral ministers. Each formation group will ideally consist of 9-12 persons, facilitated by Fortunate Families, and requires a commitment to study provided resources, to actively accompany a transgender or non-binary person, and to be present for group discernment and discussion.

The second track is educational in purpose, designed for groups (diocesan, schools, medical, parish councils or parish LGBTQ+ ministries, etc.) who support and desire to understand more about the lives of transgender and non-binary persons. Groups should have their own facilitator, and can select all, or a subset of, the available videos.

Persons who do not qualify for the primary track, and who may not be part of an established group as described above, may be invited to join with other individuals to form groups initiated and facilitated by Fortunate Families for educational purposes.

Both individuals and groups will need to apply and be approved for the program. Individual and group representative(s) who apply will be further interviewed by phone or zoom by Fortunate Families.


  • Words Matter: Language and terms. What is Different and Similar for Trans/Gay and Lesbian persons
  • What is Non-binary?
  • Transgender History in the U.S.
  • Theological, Moral, and Pastoral Issues In Spiritual Accompaniment of Trans People
  • Spiritual Companioning and Counseling
  • Faith and Spirituality
  • Medical Realities for Trans People
  • Workplace Inclusion for Transgender and Non-Binary People: A Primer
  • Spiritual Companioning and Spiritual Direction
  • Transgender Children
  • Family Dynamics
  • Psychological Considerations
  • Cis-Gendered Partners/Spouses
  • Legal Challenges of Transgender Individuals
  • Parenting a Transgender Child


There is no fee for the Formation or Educational Tracks; however, to help us defray program costs, we ask you to consider making a one time or recurring donation to Fortunate Families, via our website or by sending a check, as you are able.


For additional information and to submit an application as an INDIVIDUAL seeking to accompany transgender and non-binary persons and become part of a small group of future pastoral ministers, click here.

For additional information and to submit an application as a GROUP seeking to learn more about the lives of transgender and non-binary persons, click here.