C.J.’s story: Who I really am

From the time I was a little kid I had always felt hatred toward who I was. I felt like a stranger in my own body. My physical body was that of a girl, but I knew inside my heart and soul that I was a boy. My female anatomy was an obstacle I would have to reconstruct...

Sean’s story: Outsider

“Michelle, look at the letters again, then turn to me and tell me how to spell your name. You can do it!” my father said encouragingly. I am standing in front of a life-sized cutout of an Indian chief with my name spelled out along his tall frame. I have tears...

Steve’s story: The light has been passed

About 10 years ago, my wife, Florence, and I and several other parishioners started the Welcoming the Whole Family Committee at St. Andrew Parish in Portland, OR. Our effort was to make our parish welcoming to all especially to persons who are gay or lesbian. Our...

Deb’s story: A place at the table

The Diocese of Memphis Catholic Ministry with Gay and Lesbian Persons was founded with this simple principle: We all want to be welcome at home, we all have a place at the table. Our Ministry hosts a potluck on the 1st Tuesday of the month, and we have a Parent...

Terri and Rich’s story: Blessings!

Blessings! We are recipients of SO many. Our Faith, our Faith Community, the love and acceptance of our God. With hearts overflowing with gratitude we want to share a beautiful story made possible because of the gift of our precious son Scott, who happens to be gay....
Why Remain Catholic?

Why Remain Catholic?

Andy Buechel, December 2017 For Catholics who disagree with the magisterium on matters pertaining to LGBTQ persons, an important question will inevitably arise from time to time: “Why am I still Catholic, then?” This is a question that is addressed to us by others,...