Those Who Serve

The Board of Directors and Ministry Chairs are tremendously generous people who share their faith, energy, talent, expertise, vision and outstanding leadership skills. I have the honor of working with them to implement our vision.

Together we discern, and trust in the Spirit of God to lead Fortunate Families forward.

Stan “JR” Zerkowski
Executive Director

Executive Director

Stanley Francis “JR” Zerkowski

JR is Fortunate Families’ first executive director.

He travels throughout the United States and beyond speaking about LGBTQ+ intentional welcome and LGBTQ+ Ministry within the Catholic Church as he accompanies those discerning intentional Catholic LGBTQ+ Ministry. He leads Days of Discernment and Visioning, Days of Reflection, and leads retreats for parishes, colleges, high schools, teachers, campus ministers and ministries, presbyterates, parish staffs, and communities of consecrated women and men.

A resident of Lexington, Kentucky, he is the founder of Lexington United Interfaith Encounters and Lexington United Interfaith Dialogues. He designed and facilitated Lexington’s 1st Pride Interfaith Service at the Historic Lyric Theater to cap Lexington Pride Month and the Lexington Pride Festival, bringing together more than 26 interfaith leaders: Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, as well as civic and community leaders.

In 2016 in the Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky, he founded the first LGBTQ+ Ministry at Historic Saint Paul Church which was the foundation for the Diocese of Lexington LGBTQ Outreach Commission, created by Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv. in 2021, now part of the diocesan structure under the Peace & Justice Ministry. He also founded “Together on the Journey,” an LGBTQ+ Family, Friends, and Allies Ministry, now Fortunate Families Lexington. He was instrumental in beginning two LGBTQ+ support groups at Lexington Catholic High School and other Catholic LGBTQ+ Ministry Sites throughout the United States. He serves as a consultant to Catholic High Schools, religious communities, bishops, clergy, and lay parochial leadership.

For years his monthly faith-based article appeared in LinQ, the Pride Community Services Organization of the Bluegrass LGBTQ+ magazine. He has contributed to many publications including Pastoral Liturgy Magazine, Liturgy Training Publications, and Villanova Magazine.

He completed his undergraduate and first graduate degree program in Human Resource Development and Administration at Barry University, Miami, FL, and participated in the REAPS program through Sacred Heart University earning a certificate in Spiritual Direction. After earning a masters degree in Church Management and Administration from Villanova University School of Business, he was awarded the highest honor a graduate student can attain at Villanova University: the Bartley Medallion. He is a member of the honor societies of Phi Kappa Phi and Beta Gamma Sigma.

He has received five Mayoral Proclamations for his interfaith and LGBTQ+ work; was named a Commonwealth Ambassador by the Kentucky Secretary of State, awarded the honorary commission of Kentucky Colonel in 2013, received the Spirit of Lexington Award in 2015, and, in 2017, received the Lexington Fairness’ Jonathan Barker Leadership Award given in part because he “has taken the words of Pope Francis to heart and has worked to build bridges between the LGBT and faith communities.” In 2019, he received the George H. W. Bush Points of Light Award for his work building bridges for both the LGBTQ+ community and the interfaith community in Lexington, KY, and received the Temple Adath Israel Jethro Award for his work building bridges within the Lexington community. In February 2020 he received the Stone Catcher of the Year Award from the Kentucky Partnership for Families and Children, Inc.

He is a past member of the Board of Directors of Lexington Fairness and a current member of the Executive Board of the Kentucky Council of Churches; Diocese of Lexington Stewardship Advisory; Black Faith Leaders of Lexington and Vicinity Subcommittee on Law Enforcement. He is past Vice President and a past member of the Board of Trustees of the Newman Foundation, Inc., and past Chair of the Newman Foundation Distinguished Speakers. Appointed by Bishop Ronald W. Gainer, he served for several years on the Opportunities For Life Advisory Council in the Diocese of Lexington, KY. In 2021, he was appointed to the Mayor’s Human Rights Campaign Municipal Equality Index Workgroup for the city of Lexington, KY, and the Mayor’s Human Rights Campaign Municipal Equality Index Law Enforcement Subgroup. He is a member of the Tyler Clementi Foundation Faith Committee, serves on the CASA of Lexington (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children) Volunteer Recruitment Advisory Committee, and is a member of the Catholic Prison Ministries Coalition Steering Committee. He is chair of the LGBTQ Outreach Commission for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky, and director of LGBTQ+ Ministry Lexington. He is a 4th degree Knight of Columbus.

In November 2022 Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv., appointed JR a delegate to represent the Diocese of Lexington at the Continental Phase of the Catholic Church’s Worldwide Synod on Synodality. In February 2023, the leadership of the Kentucky Council of Churches called JR to chair their Executive Director Search Committee.

In May 2023 he earned the certificate in Executive Presence and Influence: Persuasive Leadership Development from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania Aresty Institute of Executive Education.

On 4 June 2023, after completing the formation program, Brother Dan O’Riordan, Marist Brothers USA Provincial, received JR as a Marist of Champagnat.

He attended Harvard University Business School Online through a scholarship awarded by Social Innovation Change Initiative (SICI) Center For Public Leadership and earned a certificate in Power and Influence in Public Impact in October 2023.

On October 13, 2023, he received a handwritten note from Pope Francis. The English translation: “Dear brother, thank you very much for your email. Thank you for your ministry. I pray for you, please continue to do so for me. May the Lord bless you and the Madonna watch over you. Fraternally, Francis”


Pastoral Liturgy Magazine published his article “Living Synodality: Parish Discernment and Visioning Ministry” in the March/April 2024 edition.

On October 3, 2024, he was appointed one of the three members of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi Scholar/Artist/Service Awards Committee. The work of the committee is to identify the recipients of the Phi Kappa Phi Scholar, Artist, and Service Awards.

In November 2024 JR was elected the North American Representative to the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics’ Equality and Diversity Council.

On November 14, 2024, The Lexington, Kentucky, Urban County Council approved the recommendation of Mayor Linda Gorton to appoint JR to the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission.

In January of 2025 he became Pastoral Associate of Historic Saint Paul Parish in Lexington, Kentucky

In February 2022 his first book was published  – COMING OUT and COMING HOME, a Catholic gay man’s journey from marginalization to ministry, with a few miracles along the way. It can be ordered here:

Please email JR directly or call 859.327.1047 to schedule speaking engagements, Days of Discernment and Visioning, educational/development opportunities, media inquiries, etc.

JR can be contacted at 



Stanley Francis “JR” Zerkowski
Director Ejecutivo de Fortunate Families, es residente de Lexington, Kentucky. Es el fundador de Lexington UNITED Interfaith Encounters y Lexington UNITED Interfaith Dialogues. Diseñó y facilitó el Primer Servicio Interreligioso de Pride de Lexington en el Historic Lyric Theatre para culminar el Mes del Pride de Lexington y el Festival de Pride de Lexington, que reunió a más de 23 líderes interreligiosos: budistas, cristianos, judíos, musulmanes, así como líderes cívicos y comunitarios, incluidos el alcalde de Lexington, jefe de policía y jefe de bomberos.

En la Diócesis de Lexington, Kentucky, cofundó y dirige el Ministerio Católico LGBTQ + Lexington – “Juntos en el Puente”, y fundó “Juntos en la Jornada”, un Ministerio LGBTQ + de Familia, Amigos y Aliados, que ahora es Fortunate Families Lexington.

Su artículo mensual basado en la fe aparece en LinQ, la organización de servicios comunitarios de Pride en la revista Bluegrass LGBTQ +. Ha colaborado con la revista Pastoral Liturgy Magazine, Liturgy Training Publications. Completó su pregrado y primer programa de posgrado en Desarrollo y Administración de Recursos Humanos en la Universidad de Barry, Miami, FL. Luego recibió una maestría en Gobierno y Administración de la Iglesia de la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad de Villanova, recibió el más alto honor que un estudiante graduado puede obtener en la Universidad de Villanova: el Medallón de Bartley. Es miembro de las sociedades de honor de Phi Kappa Phi y Beta Gamma Sigma. Ha recibido cuatro Proclamaciones de Mayoral por sus iniciativas interreligiosas y LGBTQ + y el Premio Lexington Mayoral Good Neighbor; fue nombrado Embajador de la Commonwealth por el Secretario de Estado de Kentucky; y, en 2017, recibió el Lexington Fairness Jonathan Barker Leadership Award otorgado en parte porque “ha tomado muy en serio las palabras del Papa Francisco y ha trabajado para construir puentes entre las comunidades LGBT y de fe”. En 2019 recibió el George HW Bush Premio Points of Light por su trabajo en la construcción de puentes tanto para la comunidad LGBTQ + como para la comunidad interreligiosa en Lexington, KY; recibió del Rabino David Wirtschafter el Premio Temple Adath Israel Jethro por su trabajo construyendo puentes dentro de la comunidad de Lexington. Es miembro de la Mesa Directiva de Lexington Fairness, la Mesa Ejecutiva del Consejo de Iglesias de Kentucky y la Mesa de Síndicos de la Fundación Newman. En noviembre de 2019 fue elegido vicepresidente de la Mesa de Fideicomisarios de Newman Foundation Inc. Es un Caballero de Colón- Cuarto Grado.
Viaja por los Estados Unidos hablando sobre el Ministerio LGBTQ + y facilitando Días de Discernimiento y Visión, estableciendo Sitios Ministeriales en los que las comunidades religiosas pueden responder intencionalmente a la exhortación del Catecismo para tratar a las hermanas y hermanos LGBTQ + con “respeto, sensibilidad y compasión” y ckorear bienvenida intencional y acompañamiento celebrando la dignidad de hermanas y hermanos con demasiada frecuencia en las periferias.

Ecclesial Advisor

The Most Reverend John E. Stowe, OFM Conv.
Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky

Bishop John was born April 15, 1966 in Amherst, OH. He attended grade school at St. Anthony of Padua Parish, staffed by the Conventual Franciscan Friars, and Lorain Catholic High School. After a year of community college, Bishop John joined the formation program for the Conventual Franciscan Province of Our Lady of Consolation at St. Bonaventure Friary in St. Louis, MO.

Bishop John was born April 15, 1966 in Amherst, OH. He attended grade school at St. Anthony of Padua Parish, staffed by the Conventual Franciscan Friars, and Lorain Catholic High School. After a year of community college, Bishop John joined the formation program for the Conventual Franciscan Province of Our Lady of Consolation at St. Bonaventure Friary in St. Louis, MO. During the time of his candidacy he began studies in philosophy and history at St. Louis University and completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in each in 1990, after an interruption for his novitiate. He subsequently earned a Masters in Divinity and a Licentiate in Church History from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, CA.

Bishop John made his solemn vows on August 1, 1992, and was ordained to the priesthood on September 16, 1995.

Bishop John served in Texas as a pastor, Moderator of the Curia, and as Chancellor for the Diocese of El Paso. In 2010, he was elected Vicar Provincial of the Province of Our Lady of Consolation and became Pastor and Rector of the Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, OH.

On March 12, 2015, Pope Francis named him the third Bishop of Lexington. He was ordained as the third Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington on May 5, 2015.

Board of Directors

Ed Buechel, Kentucky

Ed received his undergraduate degree from Xavier University in Cincinnati and his law degree from the University of Kentucky.

Ed received his undergraduate degree from Xavier University in Cincinnati and his law degree from the University of Kentucky. He practices law in Northern Kentucky. Ed and his wife Kathy live in Edgewood, Ky. Ed and Kathy each have a gay son, and they are very proud of both of them. Ed also has a daughter and son-in-law, and Ed and Kathy have one grandson. Ed has participated in numerous parish activities and is involved in a number of community organizations. He serves as the first lay Chair of St. Charles Care Center, Inc. Ed and Kathy host Catholics Embracing the LGBT Community, a support group for parents of LGBT individuals in Northern Kentucky.

Emily Garvey, Indiana

Emily Garvey holds a B.A. in Philosophy and English Literature from Saint Mary’s College and a M.A. in Systematic Theology from the University of Notre Dame. Early in her career she worked with under-resourced populations in Northern Indiana.

Emily Garvey holds a B.A. in Philosophy and English Literature from Saint Mary's College and a M.A. in Systematic Theology from the University of Notre Dame. Early in her career she worked with under-resourced populations in Northern Indiana. For the past several years she has worked in higher education, specifically in areas related to the praxis of justice and Catholic Social Teaching. She and her husband have four children, two of whom are transgender.

Fr. Francis Gargani, C. Ss. R., District of Columbia

Francis Gargani has been a parish priest for ten years, in Saratoga Springs, NY and Pittsburgh, PA, after post-graduate studies in Worship at Catholic University, Francis was campus minister at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA for seven years.

Francis Gargani is a priest of the Redemptorist Religious Community ordained in 1971. A parish priest for ten years, in Saratoga Springs, NY and Pittsburgh, PA, after post-graduate studies in Worship at Catholic University, Francis was campus minister at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA for seven years.

Retreat ministry followed at the former Redemptorist Retreat Center in Esopus, NY for nine years, with further post-graduate studies in Spirituality and Spiritual Direction at Fordham University, NY.

After nine more years of ministry focused on social justice, residing in the south Bronx, Francis became superior of the Redemptorist headquarters in Brooklyn, NY also for nine years.

He now resides in Washington, DC, at the new location of the Redemptorist Provincial House, launching into a ministry of evangelization in collaboration with two other Redemptorists.

Francis is past President of “Pax Christi Metro New York,” the international Catholic Voice of Peace, past Board Member of the “Interfaith Assembly on Housing and Homelessness of New York,” past Board Member of the New York Chapter of the “National Pastoral Musicians,” colleague in Iona College of New Rochelle, NY’s “Institute of Spirituality,” colleague of the Inter-faith Seminary of New York, “One Spirit,” recipient of their 2019 “Service to Humanity Award, and original Board Member of “Cave Canem,” North America’s only Black Poets Society. Francis has been Catholic Chaplain at Chautauqua for two previous summers, presenting programs on Thomas Merton and a Just War in the Nuclear Age.

In 2017 he was the pilgrimage leader of the LGBTQ Community to the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Newark, NJ, and facilitated having the LGBTQ community formally welcomed by Redemptorist Joseph Cardinal Tobin.

See Story:

Brian Halderman, LMSW, Texas

Brian serves as chair of the LGBTQ+ Initiative with the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative. He has been active with the team since 2017. Brian was introduced to the Marinist charism as a student at the University of Dayton (‘99) and was quickly captivated by the family spirit. As a lay Marianist and former religious brother he continues to be active in the Marinist family.

Brian serves as chair of the LGBTQ+ Initiative with the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative. He has been active with the team since 2017. Brian was introduced to the Marinist charism as a student at the University of Dayton (‘99) and was quickly captivated by the family spirit. As a lay Marianist and former religious brother he continues to be active in the Marinist family. He was instrumental in the formation of the Gay and Lesbian Family Ministry of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland in early 2000s and a past board member of Pride Center San Antonio. He works in the civic/ed tech industry for GivePulse, Inc. He holds a Masters in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis and a Bachelor's in Religious Studies from the University of Dayton. He resides in San Antonio, Texas with his fur baby Ruby.

Br. Christian Matson
Transgender Ministry Co-Chair, Kentucky 

Br. Christian Matson is a diocesan hermit of the Catholic Diocese of Lexington.

He holds a PhD in Theology, Imagination, and the Arts from the University of St Andrews, an MA in Theology from Oxford University, and a BFA in Drama and Psychology from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. He works in new play development as a producer, playwright, actor, and dramaturg through his production company Earendel Theatricals.

Br. Christian Matson is a diocesan hermit of the Catholic Diocese of Lexington.

He holds a PhD in Theology, Imagination, and the Arts from the University of St Andrews, an MA in Theology from Oxford University, and a BFA in Drama and Psychology from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. He works in new play development as a producer, playwright, actor, and dramaturg through his production company Earendel Theatricals.

After medically transitioning to male almost 20 years ago, he has privately consulted for multiple healthcare and educational institutions on best practices to support transgender community members, especially in religious contexts. He has also served as founding executive director of the Catholic Artist Connection, guest speaker on performance ethics at Juilliard, and Vice-President of the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society.

Jenny Naughton, California

Jenny lives in Diamond Bar, CA with her husband, John. They have one child, a son, John, who came out as gay on his 19th birthday in 2005. Jenny became active in LGBTQ ministry almost immediately after her son came out.

Jenny lives in Diamond Bar, CA with her husband, John. They have one child, a son, John, who came out as gay on his 19th birthday in 2005. Jenny became active in LGBTQ ministry almost immediately after her son came out. She is active in the Los Angeles Archdiocese Catholic Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons on the Leadership Committee as well as the Education Committee. Jenny facilitates the LGBTQ ministry at her home parish, Holy Name of Mary, in San Dimas. One goal in Jenny’s ministry is to make all Catholic parishes a safe and welcoming environment for all God’s children, no matter their sexuality or gender identity.

David Palmieri, Massachusetts

David Palmieri, MEd, MTS is a Catholic educator who has worked as a high school theology teacher and three-season coach for more than 25 years. He is the founder of Without Exception, an international network of educators dedicated to the art of accompaniment for LGBT students in Catholic secondary schools.

David Palmieri, MEd, MTS is a Catholic educator who has worked as a high school theology teacher and three-season coach for more than 25 years. He is the founder of Without Exception, an international network of educators dedicated to the art of accompaniment for LGBT students in Catholic secondary schools. He works with schools, parishes, and dioceses to provide guidance and training on pastoral care to LGBTQ+ young people and their families. He has a BA in Religious Studies from Colby College (Waterville, ME), a Master of Theological Studies degree from Harvard Divinity School, an MEd in Religious Education from Boston College, and he is currently a Doctor of Ministry candidate at The Catholic University of America. In 2022, David received the Lead. Learn. Proclaim award from the National Catholic Educational Association.

Christine Zuba, New Jersey

Christine lives in Blackwood, New Jersey, near Philadelphia. She received her BS in Electrical Engineering from Penn State University, and an MBA from Rutgers University.

Christine Zuba lives in Blackwood, New Jersey, near Philadelphia.  She received her BS in Electrical Engineering from Penn State University, and an MBA from Rutgers University.  Christine is employed as a television and radio broadcast equipment sales manager to both regional and national networks. Christine is a member of the Society of Broadcast Engineers (SBE) and the Association of Federal Communications Consulting Engineers (AFCCE).

A lifelong Catholic born and raised in northeastern Pennsylvania, Christine has lived in southern New Jersey for over 30 years.   Christine has two grown children, a daughter and son.. 

Christine has been a longtime parishioner of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Turnersville.  As a Transgender Catholic she serves as a facilitator of her parish LGBTQ ministry, Together in Prayer.  Christine is also a Eucharistic Minister, and a member of the hospitality committee.  Christine also participates in other ministries such as Out Catholics of Philadelphia, One In the Spirit (Marlton, NJ), and in the NJ-PA Consortium of Welcoming Parishes, a group of similar ministries across New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 

Fr. Mario Serrano, OFM Conv., Indiana

Friar Mario has been a Franciscan Friar Conventual since 2003 and was ordained a priest in 2016. He currently serves as Vocation Director and Province Secretary for the Province of Our Lady of Consolation.

Friar Mario has been a Franciscan Friar Conventual since 2003 and was ordained a priest in 2016. He currently serves as Vocation Director and Province Secretary for the Province of Our Lady of Consolation. He is a first-generation Mexican-American; the first in his family to pursue higher education. Prior to his present assignments, he served as Director of University Ministry and Adjunct Faculty in the Theology Department at Our Lady of the Lake University (OLLU), Director of University Ministry at St. Joseph University Parish in Terre Haute, Indiana, and Director of University Ministry for the Diocese of El Paso, Texas. Friar Mario holds a B.A. from the Catholic University of America and a Masters of Divinity from the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. Since 2012, he has been the Spiritual Companion for the HOPE ministry which offers retreats to all members of the Body of Christ who are in need of spiritual healing, especially those who may not otherwise be able to attend a "mainstream/ traditional" retreat and who may require special healthcare services.


Andy Buechel-Rieger, Ohio
Evangelization Ministry Chair

Andy Buechel-Rieger holds a PhD in Theological Studies from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He has also attended the Universities of Dayton and Notre Dame.

Andy Buechel-Rieger holds a PhD in Theological Studies from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He has also attended the Universities of Dayton and Notre Dame. He is currently Assistant Professor of Religious Studies in the Liberal Arts department of Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Jason Steidl Jack, New York
Theological Ministry Chair

Jason Steidl Jack is a gay Catholic theologian and Assistant Teaching Professor of Religious Studies at St. Joseph’s University in New York. He is an active member of Out @ St. Paul, the LGBTQ ministry of St. Paul the Apostle Church in Manhattan, and is a leader in LGBTQ Catholic advocacy. In January 2023, Paulist Press published his first book, LGBTQ Catholic Ministry: Past and Present. Jason resides in Brooklyn with his husband, Damian.

Jason Steidl Jack is a gay Catholic theologian and Assistant Teaching Professor of Religious Studies at St. Joseph's University in New York. He is an active member of Out @ St. Paul, the LGBTQ ministry of St. Paul the Apostle Church in Manhattan, and is a leader in LGBTQ Catholic advocacy. In January 2023, Paulist Press published his first book, LGBTQ Catholic Ministry: Past and Present.  Jason resides in Brooklyn with his husband, Damian.

Br. Christian Matson
Transgender Ministry Co-Chair

Br. Christian Matson is a diocesan hermit of the Catholic Diocese of Lexington.

He holds a PhD in Theology, Imagination, and the Arts from the University of St Andrews, an MA in Theology from Oxford University, and a BFA in Drama and Psychology from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. He works in new play development as a producer, playwright, actor, and dramaturg through his production company Earendel Theatricals.

Br. Christian Matson is a diocesan hermit of the Catholic Diocese of Lexington.

He holds a PhD in Theology, Imagination, and the Arts from the University of St Andrews, an MA in Theology from Oxford University, and a BFA in Drama and Psychology from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. He works in new play development as a producer, playwright, actor, and dramaturg through his production company Earendel Theatricals.

After medically transitioning to male almost 20 years ago, he has privately consulted for multiple healthcare and educational institutions on best practices to support transgender community members, especially in religious contexts. He has also served as founding executive director of the Catholic Artist Connection, guest speaker on performance ethics at Juilliard, and Vice-President of the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society.

Christine Zuba, New Jersey
Transgender Ministry CHAIR

Christine lives in Blackwood, New Jersey, near Philadelphia. She received her BS in Electrical Engineering from Penn State University, and an MBA from Rutgers University.

Fortunate Families Transgender Ministry Mission Statement

The Transgender Ministry of Fortunate Families affirms, accompanies, and supports transgender and non-binary persons of all ages by facilitating respectful conversation between parents, families, pastors, religious and Church leadership.

Church teaching continually develops in response to doctrinal developments, pastoral needs, and the encounter with new scientific and philosophical insights. Pope John Paul II's Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, acknowledges that, “profound understanding of man does not come from theology alone, without the contributions of many branches of knowledge to which theology itself refers”.  Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti, instructs us, “to be committed to living and teaching the value of respect for others, a love capable of welcoming differences, and the priority of the dignity of every human being”.

The Transgender Ministry encourages Church leadership and all people of God to listen to and to understand the personal stories of transgender and non-binary persons, educates and advocates for the health, safety, dignity, and spiritual well-being, for them and their families.

Administrative Support

Shawn Michael Hunter, Kentucky
Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director

Shawn resides in Nicholasville, KY, and is a student at the University of Kentucky’s College of Social Work. He is a member of the Catholic Diocese of Lexington LGBTQ Outreach Commission, the Honor Society of Phi Theta Kappa, The Society for Collegiate Leadership and Achievement, and is the student member of the Bluegrass Community and Technical College Human Services Advisory Board.

Shawn resides in Nicholasville, KY, and is a student at the University of Kentucky's College of Social Work. He is a member of the Catholic Diocese of Lexington LGBTQ Outreach Commission, the Honor Society of Phi Theta Kappa, The Society for Collegiate Leadership and Achievement, and is the student member of the Bluegrass Community and Technical College Human Services Advisory Board.


John Eipert, CPA, PSC, Kentucky
Finance Advisor

John graduated from Transylvania University.
Following graduation, John became a Certified Public Accountant and began conducting audits of local governments and non-profits. He is based in Berea, Kentucky. 

John graduated from Transylvania University.
Following graduation, John became a Certified Public Accountant and began conducting audits of local governments and non-profits. He is based in Berea, Kentucky.

Bradford Avery Yelvington, Kentucky
Finance Director

Brad is a native of Athens, Texas and lives in Lexington, Kentucky. Brad earned his Bachelor of Business Administration from The University of Texas at Austin. He is the Finance Director at the Child Development Center of the Bluegrass located on the campus of the University of Kentucky.

Brad is a native of Athens, Texas and lives in Lexington, Kentucky. Brad earned his Bachelor of Business Administration from The University of Texas at Austin. He is the Finance Director at the Child Development Center of the Bluegrass located on the campus of the University of Kentucky.

Honorary Members of the Board of Directors

Sister Luisa Derouen, OP

Sr. Luisa Derouen is a Dominican Sister of Peace and has been ministering among transgender people and their families nationally for 22 years.

Sr. Luisa Derouen is a Dominican Sister of Peace and has been ministering among transgender people and their families nationally for 22 years. She has a BA in Religious Studies from Loyola University in New Orleans, LA, and an MA in Liturgical Theology from the University of Notre Dame, IN.

She completed her internship in spiritual direction from the Ignatius Jesuit Center in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

She has been a speaker and writer on transgender spiritual issues, as well as facilitating many transgender panels. It has been the greatest privilege of her life to know hundreds of transgender people and give witness to the sacredness of their lives.

She has gifted her legacy and ministry to Fortunate Families and our Transgender Ministry upon her retirement January 1, 2022.

Bradley Leger, Ph.D.

Dr. Bradley Leger is an educator, spiritual director, retreat facilitator, and liturgical musician based in the New Orleans, Louisiana metro area. He is a member of Spiritual Directors International and the Louisiana Association of Spiritual Directors.

Dr. Bradley Leger is an educator, spiritual director, retreat facilitator, and liturgical musician based in the New Orleans, Louisiana metro area. He is a member of Spiritual Directors International and the Louisiana Association of Spiritual Directors. He has been involved with LGBTQ+ ministry and professional development dealing with LGBTQ+ issues with various groups for several years. His association with Fortunate Families began over ten years ago, first serving as a board assistant. He is currently a member of the Evangelization Ministry Team and the Transgender Ministry of Accompaniment, walking with transgender individuals and their families. He also serves as a facilitator in the Transgender Ministry of Accompaniment Formation Program. In addition, Brad is involved with another major U.S. Catholic-based LGBTQ+ organization: the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative LGBTQ+ Initiative, which works toward full inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals within church and greater society. He holds degrees in Vocational Agricultural Education from Louisiana State University, Master of Pastoral Studies from Loyola University-New Orleans, and a Certificate in Social Justice from the University of Dayton.

Fr. James Martin, SJ

Fr. Martin is an American Jesuit priest, writer, and editor-at-large of the Jesuit magazine America. In 2017, Pope Francis appointed Father Martin as a consultant to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communications.

Fr. Martin is an American Jesuit priest, writer, and editor-at-large of the Jesuit magazine America. In 2017, Pope Francis appointed Father Martin as a consultant to the Vatican's Secretariat for Communications. He is a New York Times Best Selling author and frequent commentator on the life and teachings of Jesus, and on Ignatian—inspired by the life and teachings of Saint Ignatius of Loyola—spirituality. Father Martin's outreach to the LGBT community has drawn a strong backlash from conservative Catholics. He is the author of Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity.

Penny Smith-Bogert

Penny Smith-Bogert lives near Albany, NY and is a retired speech/language pathologist. She is a long-time member of her local Roman Catholic parish and has served as a Eucharistic Minister, Faith Formation Teacher, Confirmation PreparationTeam Member and chaperone to the National Catholic Youth Conference.

Penny Smith-Bogert lives near Albany, NY and is a retired speech/language pathologist. She is a long-time member of her local Roman Catholic parish and has served as a Eucharistic Minister, Faith Formation Teacher, Confirmation PreparationTeam Member and chaperone to the National Catholic Youth Conference. She is currently an alto in the Music Ministry. Penny is a lifelong LGBTQ+ ally and has been active in the Capital Region Pride Center and her local PFLAG chapter. She also served on the Board of Fortunate Families for many years as secretary. Penny is the mother of two adult children, Jessica and Aaron, and recently became the very proud mother-in-law of Tom, when he married Aaron in July 2023.

Raymond J. Dever Jr.

A steadfast LGBTQ+ ally, Deacon Ray provided training and consultation on transgender issues to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and numerous Catholic dioceses and institutions. Striving to build awareness and compassion, Ray published articles in U.S. Catholic Magazine and America Media’s Outreach, and other outlets.

A steadfast LGBTQ+ ally, Deacon Ray provided training and consultation on transgender issues to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and numerous Catholic dioceses and institutions. Striving to build awareness and compassion, Ray published articles in U.S. Catholic Magazine and America Media's Outreach, and other outlets.

In October 2024, Deacon Ray and Laurie joined a small group of LGBTQ+ Catholics for a private audience with His Holiness Pope Francis. Ray shared his family’s journey, offered personal testimony, and advocated for greater acceptance of transgender people within the Church, eliciting pastoral concern and support from the Pope.

Deacon Raymond Dever’s incisive mind and gentle, empathetic spirit were evident in his writings and ministry. His message was always grounded in understanding, acceptance, and, above all, love.

“For those Catholic families with LGBTQ children who feel ostracized and who are struggling with everything happening around them, please know that your family has the same God-given value and dignity as any other family in the church. Look to the Holy Family, to the limitless love of God for all embodied in the Incarnation. Look to the mercy and forgiveness offered to all by the coming of the Christ child. And as the new commandment calls us to do, love one another as Christ has loved us, and most of all, continue to love your children.”

In Memoriam

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, a retired auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Detroit, died April 4, 2024. He was 94. He served as an adviser to the executive director of Fortunate Families from 2017 until 2022. Bishop Gumbleton was born Jan. 26, 1930, and grew up in Epiphany Parish on Detroit’s west side. On June 2, 1956, he was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Detroit, and on March 8, 1968, Pope Paul VI appointed him the 10th auxiliary bishop of Detroit. He was consecrated on May 1, at that time the youngest bishop in the country.

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, a retired auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Detroit, died April 4, 2024. He was 94. He served as an adviser to the executive director of Fortunate Families from 2017 until 2022.

Bishop Gumbleton was born Jan. 26, 1930, and grew up in Epiphany Parish on Detroit’s west side. On June 2, 1956, he was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Detroit, and on March 8, 1968, Pope Paul VI appointed him the 10th auxiliary bishop of Detroit. He was consecrated on May 1, at that time the youngest bishop in the country.

A champion of social justice causes, Bishop Gumbleton was one of the most prominent Catholic leaders to speak out against the Vietnam War and became the founding president of Pax Christi USA, an American Catholic peace movement that calls for non-violence and the abolishment of nuclear weapons. He traveled the world, speaking out against wars and meeting victims of violence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Israel, Palestine, Colombia, Haiti and Peru. For his lifelong effort to promote peace and harmony, Bishop Gumbleton received the 2007 Detroit Spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. Award, in addition to several other honors from universities and nonprofits.
Inspired by the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s and the 1971 encyclical Justice in the World, Bishop Gumbleton spent his life promoting peace, nonviolence, human rights, and equity. He traveled around the world to engage with and learn from people in impoverished and war-torn regions, and he was devoted to his neighbors and parishioners in Detroit. He was beloved for his gentleness and humility, and respected for his deep integrity and commitment.

“Bishop Gumbleton took the gospel to heart and lived it day in and day out. He preferred to speak the truth and to be on the side of the marginalized than to tow any party line and climb the ecclesiastical ladder. When it came to speaking the prophetic word he was unafraid and lived with the consequences. I pray for more shepherds like Tom Gumbleton who lived the spirituality of nonviolence in all contexts. It is kind of fitting that he shares the anniversary of death of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.” said Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv.

Michael J. Iafrate

Michael was a theologian and songwriter from West Virginia and a doctoral candidate at the University of St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto. He was also a singer-songwriter and old time musician, and his most recent album, “Christian Burial,” was released in 2017.

Michael J. Iafrate was a theologian and songwriter from West Virginia and a doctoral candidate at the University of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto. He served as Co-Coordinator of the Catholic Committee of Appalachia (CCA) and was the lead author of CCA’s people's pastoral letter "The Telling Takes Us Home: Taking Our Place in the Stories that Shape Us." His writing has appeared in National Catholic Reporter and Religion Dispatches, various journals, and the collections Secular Music and Sacred Theology (2013) and Music, Theology, and Justice (2017). He was also a singer-songwriter and old time musician, and his most recent album, "Christian Burial," was released in 2017. Prior to his untimely death in May 2021, he served as a Theological Advisor to Fortunate Families.

Casey Lopata

Casey Lopata, with spouse Mary Ellen Lopata, was one of Fortunate Family’s co-founders. From 1992 until his death in 2021, he worked in ministry with gay and lesbian Catholics and their families. The Lopatas were founding members of the Catholic Gay and Lesbian Family Ministry (CGLFM) and the Catholic Association of Lesbian and Gay Ministries (CALGM) and charter members of the Catholic Parents Network.

Casey Lopata, with spouse Mary Ellen Lopata, was one of Fortunate Family’s co-founders. From 1992 until his death in 2021, he worked in ministry with gay and lesbian Catholics and their families. The Lopatas were founding members of the Catholic Gay and Lesbian Family Ministry (CGLFM) and the Catholic Association of Lesbian and Gay Ministries (CALGM) and charter members of the Catholic Parents Network.

In 2003, the book Fortunate Families, written by Mary Ellen Lopata with Casey Lopata, was published. The book shares the stories of, and offers guidance to, Catholic parents of gay and lesbian children, and outlines what these families want and need from their Church. The following year, they founded the organization Fortunate Families to focus on ministry with parents on a national level, retiring from the board in 2014 after guiding and growing the organization through its first decade. They continued to serve on the organization’s Advisory Council in the following years.

Casey had a master of divinity degree from St. Bernard’s Institute in Rochester, N.Y. His full obituary can be found at

Raymond J. Dever Jr.

JANUARY 16, 1950 – JANUARY 9, 2025

Our Founders

Casey & Mary Ellen Lopata

Casey (deceased) and Mary Ellen Lopata are the parents of four children, including a son who came out to them as gay at age 19. They began ministry with gay and lesbian Catholics and their families starting in 1992. The Lopatas were founding members of the Catholic Gay and Lesbian Family Ministry (CGLFM) and the Catholic Association of Lesbian and Gay Ministries (CALGM) and charter members of the Catholic Parents Network.

Casey (deceased) and Mary Ellen Lopata are the parents of four children, including a son who came out to them as gay at age 19. They began ministry with gay and lesbian Catholics and their families in 1992. The Lopatas were founding members of the Catholic Gay and Lesbian Family Ministry (CGLFM) and the Catholic Association of Lesbian and Gay Ministries (CALGM) and charter members of the Catholic Parents Network.

In 2003, the book Fortunate Families, written by Mary Ellen Lopata with Casey Lopata, was published. The book shares the stories of, and offers guidance to, Catholic parents of gay and lesbian children, and outlines what these families want and need from their Church. The following year, they founded the organization Fortunate Families to focus on ministry with parents on a national level, retiring from the board in 2014 after guiding and growing the organization through its first decade. They continue to serve on the organization’s Advisory Council.

Mary Ellen holds a master’s degree in liberal studies with a focus on homosexuality and the family. Casey held a master of divinity degree from St. Bernard’s Institute in Rochester, N.Y.